Monday, January 26, 2009

In-class writing assignment January 26,2008

Thomas Schwanke, an 18 year old freshman at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, was found this morning in a dormitory basement after apparently falling several flights down a trash chute. Although Schwanke was not found until 7:40 A.M., it is believe that the incident occurred around 2:00 A.M.

Witnesses who saw Schwanke earlier in the morning say the he had been drinking. Mary Rouse, Dean of Students, said that this incident again raises concern about alcohol abuse on campus.

Schwanke is being treated at Anderson Hospital in Maryville. Hospital officials declined to discuss his condition or the extent of his injuries.

1 comment:

  1. Kassi - your lead is correct, but you probably don;t need to name the student until the 2nd sentence. Also, keep in mind that stairs have "flights," but not trash chutes. Look to the AP Stylebook for guidance on using time (a.m., p.m., etc), and also titles ("dean of students").
